Personalized Doll Basket


Personalized Doll Basket

Our Doll Basket is a cozy place for any doll -17 " maximum length. This fun and unique toy can be personalized for an extra-special touch –embroider it with the name of your little one’s doll. The perfect companion to our Baby Moses Baskets.

$ 39.50

Color Options
Baby Pink Gingham
Pink Gray Chevron
Pink Paisley
White Pique



* Personalizing $14.95

Personalization Options

* If you are local and would like to pick up your order from our Chicago factory to avoid shipping charges, please place your order over the phone, 773-342-0004. We are located at 4227 W. Schubert Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639.
* For orders shipping outside of the Continental US, please place your order over the phone, 773-342-0004

Hoohobbers personalized Doll Moses Baskets are made using the same designer fabrics as our Baby Moses Baskets for babies. The Doll Moses Basket includes basket, side covers, bottom cushion, sheet and blanket. Personalizing is available. Embroider the name of your child’s doll on the blanket for that extra-special touch! Fits dolls up to 17" in length. Made in the USA.
Any age when dolls are enjoyed.
Dimensions: 7"H x 19"L x 11"W
Weight: 1.2 pounds
Fits dolls up to 17" in length
Machine Washable. Doll Moses Basket linens should be washed with the bumper pads and mattress pad removed. We recommend washing in cold water and air-drying. Light ironing may be required.